Welcome to Year 3/4

Learning is fun!

Homework 19.4.24

on April 19, 2024

Here are the details of the homework which we will go over in class on Thursday 25 March.

Reading every night.

Y3 grammar: page 89 of the CGP book (word families)

Y4 grammar: pages 87 of the CGP book (word families)

Y3 maths: Please spend at least 25 minutes during the week on ‘garage’ in Times Table Rock Stars. Little and often is best. There is another soundcheck to do this week and this will be an ongoing homework task. I have also set some homework on MyMaths to consolidate the work which we are doing in class. If you don’t have time to do both (and I know how busy you all are!), then please focus on Times Table Rock Stars.

Y4 maths: Please spend at least 25 minutes during the week on ‘garage’ in Times Tables Rock Stars. Little and often is best. There is another soundcheck to do this week and this will be an ongoing homework task. I have also set some homework on MyMaths to consolidate the work which we are doing in class. If you don’t have time to do both (and I know how busy you all are!), then please focus on Times Table Rock Stars.

Y3 and Y4 spellings: please complete 100 points worth of activities in your spelling journal (there is a list of activities at the start of the journal). If the words are unfamiliar to your child, don’t worry: we will be going over meanings as well as learning to spell the words every day.

The spellings are: invention, injection, action, hesitation, completion, aspiration, perfection, rotation, attention, concentration